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The moment I saw her, she was the one. Sitting at the adoption centre at one year of age, people were just passing by her.  I leaned down to pick her up and she cuddled and snuggled and I knew she was the one for me.  Always there waking me in the morning and greeted me at night when I walked in from work with a little smile and meow telling me she was hungry and stayed by my side regardless.

Lots of love to give every second of her life.  She was my very beautiful and happy cat and my best friend.

Unfortunately immune cancer had taken her from me at the age of 14 on September 15 (exactly one month from today).

I miss her dearly but I know she is in a better place now with no pain nor any suffering.

Always my best friend.

Love you and miss you. Always in my heart.


Tina Doyle

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